21 Things I Learned In 21 Years.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

I did this exact same past last year when I turned 20 and now I'm one year older and one year wiser. I turned 21 a couple days ago and I can finally do everything in America now. I can legally drink, get a tattoo, and move out of my parent's house. How exciting! The aura of being 21 is quite interesting because you're free to do everything, but you are expected to make adult decisions. It's hard when you literally act like a 5-year-old every day and dance everywhere you go. Life is all about figuring things out and I'm here just figuring out how to be an adult. I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually, but until then

I've compiled a list of 21 things I've learned in 21 years.

1. You have to be open-minded and be accepting of others whether you believe in their own beliefs or not. Giving respect is crucial in order to receive respect.

2 Study, Study, Study. No party or outing is more important than studying for an exam or working on an assignment. There will be other parties down the line.

3. Boys can be the nicest things on Earth or the nastiest. No boy is ever worth your tears. EVER.

4. There will be people in your life that leave you without an explanation and that's ok.

5. The Earth is a beautiful place and I wish more people cherished it.

6. Travel as much as you can. Be surrounded by a different culture and surroundings and just take it all in.

7. I shouldn't have gone down the kpop hole because I can't get out of it.

8. Force yourself to get out of your comfort zone. You'll love yourself so much later in life.

9. It's ok to have a solo dance party at 3 am and it's ok to get home at 4 am from a party.

10. There are some bad drivers out there who don't use their turn signals and don't obey the right of way to stop signs.

11. You don't owe anyone anything in life.

12. It's ok not to be ok sometimes and it's ok to tell someone that you are not ok.

13. Always eat before you drink alcohol because you'll hate yourself in the morning.

14. Retail has been a blessing in disguise even if the demands were ridiculous sometimes.

15. Listen to your parents even if you don't want too. They mean well and always have your best interests at heart.

16. Put some makeup on and put on a cute outfit on just because.

17. Never act like someone you are not in order to impress someone. If they don't like you for you, then they aren't the people to hang around with.

18. Laughing truly is the best medicine.

19. Don't keep everything bottled in. It's ok to cry and scream and just be stressed out. You can't solve all of your problems by yourself even if you want too.

20. Girls bite back and are no one's second option.

21.  Just live your life the way that you want to live it. Don't let ANYONE tell you how to live your life.

I hope you all enjoyed this blog post. School and life has just gotten in the way of blogging and I'm trying to see if I can make blogtober happen again this year. I have my fingers crossed for it. I'll be looking forward to reading all of your blogtober posts regardless. October is coming and I'm ready for it!

I'll see you all soon!

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