My Plan for 2018

Thursday, January 18, 2018

This post is very late I know. It's well into 2018 and I am just now making a resolution/goal post, but better late than never. Over the past couple of years, I've made countless goals for myself that I have never achieved. I either set the goal too high or I just forget about that specific goal. It's a very daunting task because you don't know if you'll achieve that certain goal in a years time. You don't want to seem like a failure.

I wanted to change that this year. Instead of making goals or resolutions, I wanted to make a plan for 2018. I thought long and hard about what my plan will entail and if I can actually achieve the points in my plan and I think I can do it.

Here is my plan for 2018!

1. No Makeup Buy 2018

I was decluttering my makeup collection one day and I realized that I have a lot in my makeup collection that I don't use and yet I still buy more makeup. So in 2018, I want to just use all of the makeup that I have in my collection and not buy anymore. It'll be so hard not buy the newest eyeshadow palette, but not only will I be able to use up some products in my collection, I will also save some money as well. I will do a decluttering post soon and I will make a revisiting post a couple months down the line.


This is always in my goals and resolutions of every year and somehow I always fall through every year. There is a reason why it's so important this year. Let me give you the rundown. So I will be transferring to a university which is two states away in the fall and it's expensive. My parents will be paying for tuition, but I need to pay for room and board by myself. Plus, any other expenses that I may have during the semester. It's a lot of my money to save up, but if I was able to save up for my trip to Costa Rica last summer, then I'll be able to save up for this. I need to save, save, and save. There are going to be a lot of no-buy months this year.

3. Focus On Growing Both Blogs

2017 was a great year for FreeSpritized and The Haute Journal. Both of my blogs grew to some aspect, but I want it to grow even more. This all lies on my shoulders. I noticed that if I post more frequently on FreeSpiritized, I get more engagement (well duh Madeline) which makes it grow. So I want to post more frequently on FS and be more active on social media as well. I want to create better content, take better photos, and treat FS better. As for THJ, I really want to post more frequently as well and promote it more on social media. I hope this will then make both of them grow. I'm really excited to see what is in store for my children this year!

What is THJ? The Haute Journal is my fashion journalism website where I write about things that many mainstream sites don't write about. I've written about nepotism in the modeling industry and POC in the makeup industry to name a few. I truly have a passion for this website and the fashion industry and I really do love it so much. You can visit it here if you like.

4. Stop Procrastinating Everything

I've said it once before on this blog and I'll say it again, I am a huge procrastinator. It's really getting out of hand. I don't why I do this to myself, but I do. in 2018, I really want to stop procrastinating as much as I do and start working on things as early as possible. There will not be "oh just one more youtube video" or "I can finish this in the morning" NO I WILL GET IT DONE RIGHT NOW. I've learned that procrastinating in every form will set you up for failure and I've learned that the hard way in 2017. Hopefully, 2018 will be procrastination-free.

5. Lead A More Healthier Lifestyle

I think this is on everyone's plan for the start of the year. It usually involves healthy eating or exercising more. While this is a great goal/resolution, I wanted to encompass those goals into one big point. In 2018, I want to lead a healthier lifestyle. This includes healthy eating, healthy living, and just have a healthy mind. For the past couple of months, I've been constantly stressed for god knows what and that lead to a decline in my eating habits. This year I want to nourish my body and mind from the inside out and have a healthy life. I want to be more mindful, focused, and calm during this year and I can only do this by changing my lifestyle.

These points are the most important in my plan and I really wanted to achieve them or at least attempt to achieve them. I hope I will be able to achieve these in a years time and I hope future Madeline doesn't forget about these either because I am known to forget about these kinds of things.

I hope everyone has had a good start to 2018 and I hope everyone had a good day! I'll see you all in my next blog post!

What Are Your Goals For This Year?

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  1. I'm totally focused on saving this year! Good luck!

  2. No such thing as being late to setting goals. Funny that #4 coincides.


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