4 Habits Of A GirlBoss | Blogtober #19

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

This is the age of the "girl boss" and I am so here for it. I love how more women are starting their own businesses and just getting work done for other women. This is female empowerment at its finest and I'm in love with it. Over the years, I've been researching what girl bosses really do. What their habits are, how productive they are, and what they do to get work done.

So I've compiled a list of 4 habits that girl bosses have in their daily lives.

1. girl bosses are focused

It's no lie that girl bosses know exactly what they want in life. It's only because they are focused and driven on that task at hand. They know exactly what they are doing and why they are doing it. They don't become distracted by social media or Netflix. They put all those distractions behind them and just focus on the task at hand.

2. girl bosses wake up early

You know the phrase, " the early bird catches the worm" well girl bosses the definition of that. they tend to wake up early to get more things done and not get stressed out because they didn't give themselves an extra hour in the morning to do so. They could use the time that they get in the morning to be productive whether that be working on work things, exercising, or just planning their week ahead.

3. girl bosses recite affirmations

This habit of a girl boss is really important. It is up to you to make yourself confident and strong. A girl boss makes affirmations and recites them because only they can make their dreams and aspirations come true. They repeat them over and over so they won't lose track of their goals and become stronger as a person every day. In order for you to truly be successful, you have to tell that to yourself constantly.

4. girl bosses plan out their day in advance

Many girl bosses know exactly what they want to do when they want to do it, and how they want it done because they plan everything out in advance. Planning is incredibly important for a girl bosses success.  Its a strong key to becoming successful because you know exactly what needs to be done on what day and if not then everything could fail. So plan, plan, and plan!

I hope this inspires you to include these girl boss habits in your daily lives and I'll see you all soon!

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