6 Habits of Highly Mindful People

Friday, September 8, 2017

Mindfulness: the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something.

Over the past couple months, I've seen this term thrown around throughout youtube videos and blog posts and I wanted to achieve this so-called "being mindful" because I thought it was it seemed like a lifestyle that I would want. I am slowly trying to integrate mindfulness into my daily life and I'm really loving it.

 Here are 7 habits that highly mindful people use on a daily basis.

1. Meditation

Mindful people utilize meditation to de-stress, improve cognitive function, and improve your overall well-being. Many people meditate in the morning to start off their days on the right foot and the right mindset. When doing this you are ultimately one with your thoughts and present in your life. I have done some meditation here and there and let me tell you, it is amazing. It leaves me stress-free and really boosts my mood for the day.

2. Practice Gratitude

As we grow up we constantly forget about the things that we are grateful for. The only exception is around Thanksgiving, but that's only one day of the year. Mindful people tend to practice gratitude by writing the things that they are thankful and over time they become more aware of even the smallest things that can bring us joy in life. This, then, improves their mood and their overall mental health.

3. They Watch What They Eat

Mindful people are very conscious of what they put in their bodies. They see it as an opportunity to nourish their bodies from the inside out with the right type of foods. Thus, they read food labels or they pay attention to how their bodies react to certain types of food whether in energy or mood so they can accurately nourish their bodies.

4. Being Creative

Studies show that when you practice mindfulness, you are more creative. It unlocks the more creative state of mind because you focus on the things that you want to do and not on the things that you don't want to do. You are more inclined to be creative because you let your mind wander. Meditation also helps with this as well.

5. They Are One With Nature

Many people take time out of their daily schedules to go outside and just be one with nature. Not only does this relieve any stress that you have, it also makes you aware of the world around you. Society has become so disconnected with nature that you don't really notice the world around. Mindful people put down their phones, laptops, work etc. and venture outside and explore their surroundings.

6. They Focus On One Task At Hand

This habit is really one I should do more often. Mindful people really focus on one thing at a time to get the most out of their day.  It is more effective and you are more productive while doing this because you can focus on that one specific thing and get it done well instead of doing things poorly just to get it done.

I hope you all enjoyed this post because I really enjoy reading as well as writing these kinds of posts. I hope you all had a great day and a great week.

What aspect of mindfulness do you like?

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  1. I loved this article! I need to pay more attention to what I eat x



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