20 Things I Learned In 20 Years.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Well, it was my 20th birthday and I feel incredibly bittersweet. I'm happy that I am out of my teenage years, but then I'm not happy that I can experience life with wide eyes and an ignorant mind when I was a child. Now that I've lived 20 years, I've learned a lot in life and I want to share that with you.

Here are 20 things I learned in 20 years..

-Time flies SO fast. It really does.

-You’re never too old to watch Spongebob Squarepants, or even quote him. WEESNAW!

-Success takes time no matter how much you want it.

-There are actual idiots in this world.

-Travel as much as you can and just feel country under your feet. Take everything in. The smells. The sounds. The sights. 

-Don’t try to grow up.

-Educate yourself as much as possible. Don't be ignorant when you can use the internet.

-Love yourself first. 

-You have to experience retail at least once to understand how ridiculous people can be.

- Learn a new language. It might be hard, but it'll be so worth it in the end.

-Boys are stupid and gross most of the time.

-Money isn't everything.

-Budgeting is the hardest thing ever. Don't spend your money so frivolously and on too much food.

-Clean your car. Don't just throw everything in the back seat or else you'll look like a hoarder.

-You don't have to wear makeup all the time. You don't have to look nice all the time.

-You are more important than any boy or any person. In other words, put yourself first.

-School is incredibly important.

-Buy quality items even if it'll take you 2 years to pay it off. It'll be worth it in the long run.

-Credit cards are the spawn of satan. ALWAYS pay the full amount every month.

-Start a blog to document your life. You can see how you grow as a person through your writing, pictures, and experiences.

I don't really know how I survived to 20, but I made it ok. I'll be 40 in the next 20 years and I can't stop thinking about it. There's something about turning 20 that makes people expect to be an adult. You have to do adult things, but I am far from being an adult as you can tell by the balloon that I am holding. I could be 5 if I wanted to.

I hope everyone had a great day and I'll see you next time!

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