I Cut My Hair And Other Things..

Monday, September 12, 2016

Hey Everyone,
As you can see by my picture, I CUT MY HAIR! I just decided to cut it all off. It was quite spontaneous. I'm really loving it. I'm having fun with how I'm styling it. There might be a post soon of how I style my new short hair.

Also, you might have noticed that I finally put some of my social media links on my blog. I got around to doing it and I'm just really excited. I did make an instagram, but I haven't put any pictures up yet. I just need to get my instagram theme all sorted out and ready to go. Be sure to follow me on those accounts to see what I'm up to when I'm not blogging.

I finally made an "About Me" page. You're probably thinking, "Madeline, you should've had one when you first started your blog" and you're exactly right. I just didn't get around to it and now I finally did.

September is going to be a great month. I can feel it. Fall time is coming and I'm so excited for it.

Thanks for reading! bye for now!

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