Digital Minimalism

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Hello Everyone!

I’ve come to the realization that my digital life is just too much. My laptop is filled with pictures that i don’t even look at. I follow too many people on one of my twitter accounts. (over 33k to be exact..) I just have too many social media accounts period and i spend way too much of my time on social media. I’ve been looking into digital minimalism and it’s such a cool way to declutter your digital life. Here  are some tips on how to declutter your digital life and what to declutter in your digital life.

Get rid of any unwanted files, pictures, and content that you feel like you don’t need or haven’t looked at in awhile. If you have any important files or pictures that you absolutely need, you can back it up on a flash drive or google drive. Create a better filing system, that way your computer will be more organized and you can be more organized as well.

2.Social Media
Social media is crazy addicting. I have over 5 twitter accounts, I made over 12 tumblr blogs, abandoned 11 of them and now I’m sticking to one. I follow over 33k on twitter and i can never keep up with what people are doing. I’m currently unfollowing a lot of people on twitter and let me tell you, it’s a huge process. In the end, i won’t miss the people who i followed before and that’s ok. So try to unfollow the people who have different views as you or who you aren’t interested in anymore. Also,try to stick with one or two social media accounts so it won’t be overwhelming.  

Your phone is your lifeline. It houses all of your pictures, your music, and everything else that you need. Sometimes your phone houses TOO much. In order to achieve digital minimalism, you need to delete any unneeded pictures or apps that are just taking up space in your phone.

4.Take some time away from the social media world
Sometimes everyone needs a social media break. You can think freely without thinking about what’s going on in the world. If you can’t do it, then start using your phone less and less throughout the day. Start turning off your phone a couple hours before bed so you can fall asleep without any distractions. Go out and have fun and enjoy your technology-free days!

Thanks for reading!

I hope this will help you on your journey towards digital minimalism.

If you could only use one social media platform, what would it be?

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