The Versatile Blogger Award

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Hey Everyone!
So recently i was nominated by the lovely girls behind Phoebida to do the Versatile Blogger Award. Thank you for nominaing me girls! This is such an exciting post for me because I've never been nominated for an award yet!

The Rules:

1. You have to thank the person who nominated you at the start of your post.
2. You have to comment on the blog of the person who nominated you.
3. You have to link their blog in your post.
4. You must nominate 15 blogs that interest you or that you have recently found and like.
5. You have to tell the person that nominated you 7 facts about yourself.

1.I'm from the suburbs of Chicago
2.I speak fluent polish
3.I got my drivers license the day after my 18th birthday
4.I'm not a big nail polish person.
5.I'm a huge social media fan
6. I dream of becoming a model scout or work in the fashion industry
7.  I come up with ideas and say I'm going to do them, but i never pull through with them.

The Blogs:
I'm actually going to do 5 blogs instead of 15.
Christy at a cup of rain
Erin at Everything Erin
Lauren at Lauren Barden
Katie at Katie Lou
Danielle at Danielle's Beauty Blog

Thank you so much for reading and more posts to come!

Join the conversation!

  1. Thank you for nominating me! I already have it on my blog if you want to have a read :) xx

    Danielle's Beauty Blog

  2. Thank you so much for nominating me! Your facts are so interesting x


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