For The Wanderers...

Monday, September 7, 2015

Everyone loves to travel. I've never met anyone who loves to travel or has a desire to travel. I have craving to travel to places for the longest times.  I've constantly been looking at travel blogs and Instagrams and just wanting to go to that place. Here are some places i've been craving to go to for the longest time.
 Thailand- I've been wanting to go to Thailand ever since i saw essena oneil's youtube vlogs. By the look of hers vlogs and pictures I've seen Thailand looks absolutely beautiful. It seems like a really affordable country to travel too. I would love to go there when i get the chance.
 Turkey- Turkey seems like such a beautiful country. I've been loving the mosque architecture and the design of them too. It seems like such a great country to travel as well with all the famous landmarks and buildings.
Greece- I've been wanting to Greece for the longest time. I've seen a ton of youtubers and bloggers traveling to Greece particularly Santorini. Greece has become a major summer spot in Europe and people are right. This is probably going to be my number one place I'm going to go when i get older.

I hope this post have triggered your wanderlust.
Thanks for reading!

Where do you want to travel to?

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