October Goals | Blogtober #2

Monday, October 2, 2017

I always feel so productive in October and I can't explain why. I think it could be the weather changing or it could be because the quarter the semester is over, but who knows. So due to the productiveness, I made myself some goals to keep me on track this October.

Here they are!

-Keep up with blogtober posts

We don't want this to be a disaster like last years blogmas...I'm ready for Blogtober.

-Get 500 followers on BlogLovin'

-Get to 100 followers on instagram

I've been on a roll with Instagram lately and I want to keep it going this month as well.

-Stay on top of school


This goal just says it all.

-Actually start excercing

-Start waking up early

I feel like if I wake up earlier in the morning then I will be able to get more done. This is going to be so hard for me because I can't even wake up before 6:30 am anymore, but I'm up for the challenge.

-Meditate more

I hope everyone enjoyed this post and I hope everyone keeps up with their goals this upcoming month. I hope everyone had a fantastic day!

What Are Your Goals This Month?

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