Meet Rosa! | My Favorite Black Friday Purchase

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

I haven't always named inanimate objects. It only started recently. I have a car named Sheldon and I love him to death. People make fun of me for naming my car, but I don't care. I recently was purse hunting because I was so bored with just carrying the same Rebecca Minkoff bag everywhere. I wanted something different. I knew I wanted a satchel and I knew I wanted a purse that wasn't black. I made my way over to the Kate Spade website because I always correlate color with Kate Spade.

I had my eye on this beautiful evergreen satchel, but the price was putting me off.

That wasn't until Kate Spade's surprise sale happened. They posted a secret black Friday sale on their website and that is where I fell in love with Rosa. She was exactly what I was looking for. She was a satchel, a different color where I wear it in the winter as well as the springtime, and It doesn't look too bulky to me.

I got Rosa for 75% off and I think that is a literal steal. I only had Rosa for about two weeks so I don't want to get a full review without really testing it out, but it will come soon.

Why did you name her Rosa?

I'm currently studying Spanish and I wanted to name something as an ode to the Spanish language and she's pink so Rosa just fits. You have to roll the R in Rosa to get the full Spanish effect.

I hope you all enjoyed this blog post and I'm so glad to be back. I have finals all next week, but I have a whole 5-week break in between so there should be a lot more blog posts coming soon.

I'll see you all soon!

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  1. I love Kate Spade bags! I have a pink one as well that I got on sale for 50% off and it’s been such a good investment!

    Gabrielle Isabella x

  2. I've know alot of people to name their cars but not their purses! I love it! Rosa is beautiful!


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