Why I Love Going Makeup-Free. | Blogtober #22

Thursday, October 26, 2017

You know those days where you just roll out of bed and just leave. You don't do anything fancy with your hair other than just putting some dry shampoo and putting it in a ponytail or bun. You don't put any makeup on either. I love these days. I love how I am able to just go out into the world with a fresh face. I feel like I can take on the world with going makeup-free.

Bear in mind, that I am only speaking for myself. You might hate going out makeup-free and vice versa and that's your prerogative. YOU DO YOU BOO BOO. I've come to the realization in my 20 years of life that you look no different with or without makeup.

Yes, makeup is used to enhance certain features of your face or conceal any imperfections, but do you really look any different? I think I look just the same whether I wear makeup or not. This is why I'm comfortable going just simply fresh-faced.

Society tells women that we're supposed to look beautiful. We're supposed to look our best at all times and frankly, that's impossible. This is why sometimes people who go makeup-free get negative reactions. I constantly get "you should put concealer on that blemish" or "you should add some more color to your face" blah blah blah. I just don't listen to it because I am doing what makes ME comfortable and I just feel like myself without makeup.

Now, I'm not disregarding makeup looks in general. I love a great eyeshadow look and I love nailing that perfectly contoured cheekbone. It just that there are some days where I just don't want to put on makeup part being laziness and part is my own decision. I just love going makeup-free. I love the feeling of my skin being able to breathe and being able to repair itself.

Also, one point to throw in, I hate the way my skin feels after I take my makeup off. It just feels like one big greaseball and I can't imagine how clogged my pores so that's also a reason.

I feel once you start recognizing your own beauty then you won't have to hide it with beauty in the form of powders, liquids, pencils.

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