Happy Earth Day!

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Hey Everyone

I love the earth. I really do. I know a lot of you love the earth just as much as I do because you should love the earth.

The earth is a wonderful place. The beauty of the earth is all around us whether that is the green grass under our feet or the mountains in the background. It's truly astounding how beautiful the earth is.

It's sad knowing that we are damaging it due to our negligence. We are depleting it of its natural resources, we are polluting it with our trash, we are cutting down its trees all for our use. We really aren't taking care of it the way that it take cares of us.

On this day, we should really realize our own impact on the Earth and try to lessen our impact on this beautiful earth.

I hope you all had a lovely day and I hope you enjoyed the Earth today.

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