How To Get Into The Christmas Spirit | Blogmas Day #21

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Hey, Everyone!

The holidays snuck up on me this year and honestly for the past couple of weeks I haven't been in the Christmas spirit at all this year. Maybe it was stress from school or because the year was so bad, I don't know.

You know what I did? I blasted some Christmas music and very poorly wrapped my Christmas presents to get me into the spirit and it worked.

Here are some of my tips on how to get into the spirit!

1. Blast Some Christmas Music

This is a no-brainer. Christmas music immediately got me into the Christmas mood. There's just something about the bells and the upbeat music that makes you feel happy and jolly inside.

2. Buy Your Presents Early

I shouldn't really be the one talking about this one given that I need to buy a couple more presents. If you don't procrastinate gift buying then you will be able to sit back and enjoy all your wonderfully wrapped Christmas presents under the tree.

3. Decorate Your Room

There's nothing like a holiday theme room decoration party with yourself. Once you decorate your room or house, for sure you will get into the spirit.

4. Take A Walk Outside

If your neighborhood is anything like mine, it's full of houses that are decorated with Christmas lights and snowmen and nativity scenes and the Christmas spirit is so evident just buy the houses.

I hope these tips will bring you out of your Christmas funk. Only 4 more days until Christmas!

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