December Goals | Blogmas Day #1

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to the first day of blogmas! woooo!

Its that time of the year where our bloglovin' feed is full of Christmas inspired posts and where our YouTube feed is full of vlogmas videos. I really love this time of the year because not only is the atmosphere really festive and beautiful, people are just so much nicer around this time.

I did something similar to this in October and a lot of you loved it! so why not start the first day of blogmas with some goals!

Here are my goals for December

1. Actually keep up with blogmas
I'm really getting ahead of myself with this one.

2. Get 250 followers on Bloglovin'

3. Get blog to 3,500 blog views this month.

4.Post more on instagram

5. Don't procrastinate on school
I've got less than two weeks left and I have so much to do..

6. Get into the Christmas spirit.

7. Buy my friends/family really great christmas presents


I'm a huge homebody so I don't go outside unless I have too. I'm going to force myself to go somewhere and explore an area that I don't really know.

I hope you all enjoyed this post and I hope you all meet all of your goals this month.
See you tomorrow!

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