Travel Edition: My Travel Beauty Essentials

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Hello Everyone!
Traveling season is among us. I am one of these travelers. I'm traveling to Poland on May 26th and will be back on June 15th. I'm so excited because I traveled there two years ago and I just fell in love with Poland. I have family over there as well so I get to see them once again.

Beauty essentials are a must in a plane just because your in a small area for a long period of time and you just feel gross.These are my essentials that i always bring on a flight to make myself feel refreshed and clean.

3.Nail Polish Remover
4.Scope Toothbrushes
5.Facial Lotion
6.Feminine Products
7.Hydrating Facial Spray
8.Band Aids

Thanks for reading. I hope you all have a great summer and I hope all you travelers have a great trip!

I'll try to post when I'm in Poland, but if not see you in 3 weeks!

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