My Hair Care Routine

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Hey Everyone,
Today I'm going to be doing a post that i don't normally do. It's a routine post and I've maybe done one of these on my blog so i just thought why not. I have mixed emotions on my hair. Sometimes i love it and i can't stop touching it or playing with it and other times i want to cut it all off and just be done with it. I don't really do anything to my hair other than blow dry it. I occasionally curl it, but very rarely do I ever do.

I was sent these products from L'oreal to try out and to be honest, these products have changed my hair. The shampoos that I previously used have always weighed down my hair and made it look greasy. This shampoo does the exact opposite. Its very lightweight and doesn’t make my hair look greasy at all.

Till this point I didn’t know I had dry hair. I always had those white flakes on my scalp so I thought that it was dandruff. I proceeded to wash my hair with anti-dandruff which dried out my skin anymore. My scalp was always itchy as well which is a sign of dry scalp. This hair care range has virtually eliminated my dry scalp because it's specifically for people with dry hair. My scalp doesn’t itch anymore and there is absolutely no flakes present.

I usually start off with the oil and put it all over the ends and put it in a bun half an hour before I wash my hair. Then I begin to wash my hair and I usually shampoo my hair twice because I feel like my hair isn’t as clean if I were to wash it once, weird I know. After that I put the conditioner on and wait a couple of minutes before I wash it out so the conditioner can soak into my hair. All in all, I think this range is perfect for people who suffer from dry hair.

Thanks for reading!

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