My Morning Routine | Blogtober #23

Friday, October 27, 2017

I know what you're thinking. I'm going to have this perfect morning routine where I stick to my everything to the minute, but I really don't. I see this in youtube videos all time. I highly doubt that many YouTubers stick to that routine every day because I would get really bored with it. I usually change up my routine every day so sometimes I add something in or leave something out depending what I have to do this morning.

Here is my morning routine!

6:50-7:05 AM

I usually try to wake up around this time, but hitting the snooze button is enviable. If I have an exam that day or assignments that I didn't do the night before, I immediately work on it. Otherwise, I sit on my phone for a good couple minutes. I check out my social media, emails, youtube, blogger etc.

7:25 AM

By this time, I'm taking my study materials or homework downstairs to the kitchen table. I make myself a cup of coffee because I would die without it. I make breakfast around this time, but recently I haven't been eating breakfast lately because I just haven't had the appetite for it.

7:45 AM

I leave my assignments/study materials downstairs and make my way upstairs to get dressed. At this time, I'm getting dressed, packing my backpack, making sure I don't forget anything. I brush my teeth and do my whole skincare routine (A blogtober post is coming soon).

8:00 AM

I'm finished with packing up my backpack and usually bring a snack like a granola bar or apple because I didn't eat breakfast so I know I'll be starving by the time lunch comes around. I sit on my phone to check social media or my laptop where I check my blog or bloglovin;

8:15 AM

I am out the door and I am admiring Sheldon (my car) from afar. I am off to hopefully not be late to my class, but I'm on time for the most part.

I hope you all enjoyed this blog post! It's not super exciting, but it's my morning routine and I made it so I can maximize the amount of sleep I get with being on time at school.

What Time Do You Wake Up?

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