A Fall Ramble | Blogtober #26

Monday, October 30, 2017

I just wanted to write a quick little fall ramble. I always like these kinds of posts because they are usually written on a whim and with no thought really. It really shows what's on people's minds at the time and honestly, I just want to ramble.

This ramble will be in no particular order, so here it is:

ok so blogtober is almost over and I'm really sad. I loved reading so many fall-themed posts and now I won't have as much of reading the material as I usually do. Also, I'm currently still behind in blogtober posts so I won't be able to finish all of my posts by tomorrow. So, my blogtober posts will be posted on November. I'm so happy that was able to kind of sort of stick to blogtober and I really loved writing these blog posts. The question is....should I do blogmas or not??? stay tuned.

I wanted to talk about what's going on in America right now. America, America, America.....what a mess. It's been almost a year since America elected a mess of a president and nothing has changed. I feel like he made things worse. The divide in America is so much greater and it's so evident. Whether that be the Charlottesville riots to how he blamed both sides (liberals and conservatives) in regards to that riot. I just don't understand. I still can't believe that we elected an egotistical, selfish, and unintelligent person to run this country. This is the reason why I want to live in a different country. This is partly the reason why and also because I want to experience something new. rant over.

I made a twitter. FINALLY! it's not active as of now, but I'm getting it set up. you can follow it here. I'm really excited because I love twitter more than anything in the world and I'll definitely be active on it. I'm ready to become a full-blown blogger and I'm excited.

School is going well, stressful, but well. Some classes are better than others, but I'm getting the hang of all of them. My next semester is my last semester at my community college and I'm going to transfer to a bigger university. I'm going to transfer to Western Michigan University and I'm going to major in Aviation Operations and Management (basically the business of the aviation industry) and I'm going to double minor in Spanish and travel and tourism or geography. I think these minors work well with my major because it is the aviation industry after all. As to what I want to do with my major, I would love to work at an airport because I love airports and working at an airport would be a dream. I was thinking about becoming a flight attendant, but I'm on the fence with that. Hopefully, this will all work out, but time will tell.

I'd like to thank all of you for following my blog and reading my posts. I'm so happy that I have a platform to talk about my experiences, the loves of my life (beauty and fashion), and my life. Thank you for commenting and I can never thank you all enough for letting me share my life to all of you.

Thank you for reading and make sure to catch up with all my blogtober posts. oh, and don't forget to follow me on twitter! I'll see you all in my next blogtober post!

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