I Write This With A Heavy Heart....

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

No its not what you're thinking. I'm not abandoning this blog. I don't really want to talk politics on this blog, but it has got me so incredibly frustrated and sad that I can't put a smile on my face anymore. I'm just incredibly disappointed in America's decision last night.

How could we elect someone so hateful, so ignorant, so terrible to run this country that is so full of beauty?

Now I have nothing to worry about. I'm a white girl living in the suburbs of Chicago, but I am worried. I'm so worried about the minorities in this country. I'm so worried about the immigrants in this country. I'm so worried about the state of this country once this person is officially inaugurated as president in January.

People should not live in fear of everyday life. America was built on the principle of "land of the free and home of the brave" and people cannot be free anymore.

I can't believe that we elected a homophobic, islamaphobic, sexist, and xenophobic piece of trash.

To immigrants and minorities: please know that you are not alone. We will protest and fight together to protect you from any harm.

To people who voted third party or wrote in a candidate: you are not "edgy" or "cool." you are complete idiots.

To the people who voted for Trump: I hope you're happy and majority of America now hates you.

To Donald Trump: I will never call you my president and you will never be my president.

Join the conversation!

  1. I agree with most of this, although I know some people genuinely liked the third party candidates and believed in their platform. Most, unfortunately, voted for them because they couldn't choose between Clinton and Trump and I find it very sad. In Florida and Michigan especially those votes could have seriously changed things around. I actually cried last night worrying about Donald Trump's America, because it's not a country that I want to live in. Let's continue to speak up, vote, and make sure this narcissistic monster only gets four years.


    1. I really appreciate your input. I understand where Third Party voters are coming from. I never really thought of it that way. Like you said, we have to continue to vote and let our voices be heard.


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