Many of us suffer from some kind of stress almost everyday and it's hard to escape that stress sometimes. We're always stressed no matter where we are and no matter what the stress is. I usually have stress during the school year whether its procrastinating an assignment or my grades not being the grades that i want them to be. I have compiled a list of 5 ways that i de-stress and what helps me to de-stress.
1.Listen to music. Listening to music might be the number one thing to do when i feel super stressed out. I usually play some Mumford and sons music or some folk music because folk music calms me the most.
2.Read a book. Another thing i do to de-stress is to read a book. When i was in elementary school and middle school i used to read a book almost every single day. I would read over 20 books in a month. When i started high school i tried to keep up reading, but i didn't have any time so i stopped reading for pleasure and started reading for English. This summer i started reading books and I've missed it so much. I'm currently reading "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair and it's really good and it's very informative about the packing industry in Chicago in the early 1900s. Reading just makes you forget about everything around you and keeps you engrossed in the characters that you're reading.
3.Yoga. I've recently started doing yoga and let me tell you, it is so relaxing. I started doing yoga in gym class last year and i got hooked. There's something about releasing all that stress while you're stretching makes me de-stress.
4.Going on the internet. The internet is probably my most used de-stressor. Whenever i feel really stressed i just watch some YouTube videos or just read a blog post that interests me. This also makes me procrastinate a lot from doing my homework and other assignments that i have to do for the next day, but it de-stresses me so at least I'm doing something good.
5.Exercise. I usually go on a run when I'm stressed out or i do some basic stretches
on my bedroom floor. When i exercise i remove all the stressful thoughts that i have and just focus on what i need to strength or tone at the moment.
What kind of things do you guys do to de-stress?
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